
Law | Articles and Essays

The Broader Lessons of Privacy Law, Boston University Law Review (forthcoming)

Valuing Social Data, 124 Columbia Law Review (2024) (with A. Parsons)
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The Great Regulatory Dodge, 37 Harvard Journal of Law and Technology (2024) (with H. Nissenbaum and K. Strandburg)
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Researcher Access to Social Media Data: Lessons from Clinical Trial Data Sharing, 39 Berkeley Technology Law Journal (2024) (with C. Morten and G. Nicholas)
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Informationalism Beyond Managerialism, 86 Law and Contemporary Problems (2023)
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A Relational Theory of Data Governance, 131 Yale Law Journal (2021)
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Data Market Discipline: From Financial Regulation to Data Governance, 8 Journal of International and Comparative Law (2021) (with S. Benthall)
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The Chilling Effects of Algorithmic Profiling: Mapping the Issues36 Computer Law and Security Review (2019) (with E. Fosch Villeronga, A. Tamò-Larrieux, & S. Velidi)
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Data Protection’s Composition Problem5 European Data Protection Law Review (2019) (with A. Fluitt, A. Cohen, M. Altman, K. Nissim, & A. Wood)
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Law | Chapters, Reviews, and Other Shorter Works

A Primer on Data Relations in the Political Economy, in Research Handbook on Law and Political Economy (Routledge) (ed. John Haskell) (forthcoming 2025)
Draft Available Upon Request

Daten als Eigentum? in Umkämpftes Eigentum. Aktuelle Debatten (Suhrkamp) (eds. Jacob Blumenfeld, Niklas Angebauer and Tilo Wesche) (forthcoming 2024)
Draft Available Upon Request

An Argument for Positive Political Theories of Data Governance, 6 Georgetown Law Technology Review (2022)
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The Technological Politics of Mechanism Design87 University of Chicago Law Review (Online Edition) (2019) (with Z. Hitzig and L. Hu)
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Technology & Society*

The Promise and Limits of Lawfulness: Inequality, Law, and the Techlash, Journal of Social Computing (2022)

Design Choices: Mechanism Design and Platform Capitalism, Big Data & Society (2021) (with J. Goldenfein and L. McGuigan)
Publisher’s Version

Algorithmic Realism: Expanding the Boundaries of Algorithmic ThoughtACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAT*) (2020) (with B. Green)
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Law and Adversarial Machine LearningConference on Neural Information Processing Systems 2018, Workshop on Security in Machine Learning (NeurIPS) (2018) (with R. Shankar, D. O’Brien, and K. Albert).
– Accepted for oral presentation.
PDF | arXiv

*In computer science, conferences are the primary publishing venues. These papers undergo double-blind peer review and are published within conference proceedings as full papers equivalent to journal publications other fields.

Popular and Policy Writing

Toward a 21st Century National Data Infrastructure: Managing Privacy and Confidentiality Risks with Blended Data, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, 2024 (Expert Panelist Contributor).

“Seven Reactions to Biden’s Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence,” LPE Blog, December 4, 2023.

“Towards a Legal Understanding of Social Data,” LPE Blog, October 9, 2023.

“Everyone should decide how their digital data are used—not just tech companies,” Nature, July 2021.

“Data Relations,” Logic Magazine, Issue 13: Distribution, May 2021.

“Ferment is Abroad: Techlash, Legal Institutions, and the Limits of Lawfulness,” LPE Blog, April 20, 2021.

“Data Governance for a Society of Equals” LPE Blog, March 22, 2021.

“Data as Property?” Phenomenal World, Jain Family Institute, October 16, 2020.

“Privacy vs. Health is a False Trade off,” Jacobin, April 17, 2020.

“The Promise and Pitfalls of the California Consumer Privacy Act,” Critical Reflections, Cornell Tech, April 11, 2020.

Facebook’s Surveillance is Nothing Compared with Comcast, AT&T, and Verizon” The Guardian, April 6, 2018.